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Made In Paradise

Made in Paradise–or “MIP” for short–is one of our in-house labels that brings things back to the better years. You know the ones: back in the good ol’ days when you were younger, stronger and more virile. When practically all aspects in life were simple and much more manageable than they are now. When we all had a much more care-free attitude towards anything and everything, when hangovers were still manageable, and when expectations were wonderfully low. Those were the times when looking dope, making bread, and getting loose was what it was all about.
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Made in Paradise–or “MIP” for short–is one of our in-house labels that brings things back to the better years. You know the ones: back in the good ol’ days when you were younger, stronger and more virile. When practically all aspects in life were simple and much more manageable than they are now. When we all had a much more care-free attitude towards anything and everything, when hangovers were still manageable, and when expectations were wonderfully low. Those were the times when looking dope, making bread, and getting loose was what it was all about.